
These natural snacks are often found near vegetables in supermarkets or attached to plants in the wild.
They form a healthy alliance with vegetables and together demand that we eat at least five pieces of them per day.

This kind of pear is common in China. It is known as “snow pear” (雪梨) in Chinese.
Although sweeter, more acidic and warmer than a snowball, it is watery and almost perfectly round, just like a well-packed snowball.
Due to its roundness, avoid using the phrase “went a bit pear-shaped” with people in China, as they might take it to mean “went very well”.

Cucumber is another mild, watery fruit.
Is it a fruit?
If a cucumber is small and comes in a box of five or six, then it is safe to call it a fruit. Consume it directly from the hand.
If found in a restaurant, stir-fried with eggs, then you would more likely think of it as a vegetable. Eat it with chopsticks or a fork.

Mangoes are delicious, but so juicy and sticky that they can be annoying to eat.
Forgotten mangoes first give off a pleasant, sweet smell, reminding you to eat them.
This later develops into a pungent odour, which angers you into detecting the source.

A banana is something between a food and a bendy drug.
It provides a short burst of energy.
A person living solely on a diet of bananas would likely be quite unstable
It is widely accepted that monkeys eat mostly bananas, which is why they can come across like deranged humans.