This section of the website compiles potential facts that have not yet been proven true or false.
It is a place for statements to rest while “the jury is still out” on them.
If shown to be true, they will be welcomed into the web of knowledge.
If found to be false, they will be deleted. Or banished to the dark web.
1. Most apples are dusty.
This prospective fact belongs to statements about food and (more specifically) fruit.
We think it will be found…
There is usually some dust around, even if you can’t see it.
The word “most” ensures that this is one of those wuss statements only looking to be correct more than half of the time.
2. Watches are not useful anymore.
We all have phones now and there is usually something else with a screen around.
Tech companies have noticed that watches are pretty pointless now, so they started making them do extra jobs like answering calls. But this is not really a watch anymore, more like a little wristy phone.
We think this one will be found…
Sometimes you need to know the time but you don’t want to look at your phone every few minutes.
This statement is simply too brash. Arrogant even! It should learn from some of its fellows and include a word like “generally” to mellow it out a bit.
3. Stuff is usually bendy.
Although more and more things are man-made now and tend to be straight, they might actually still be a bit bendy. Also, there are still lots of natural things and they are all bendy.
We think this will be found…
Things that we thought were hard and straight, like tall buildings, are actually bendy.
Again, this statement is a bit timid as it uses a “usually.” More than half correct and it is good to go: we like those odds!
4. Space is bigger than you think.
Try and imagine something that is infinitely big. Could you try a bit harder? The answer is yes.
We think this one will be found…
Facts usually try to stay away from sounding too subjective. But the words “you think” in this statement actually makes it more facty.
We admire this one’s gutsy approach. It doesn’t go in for the security of “mostly” or “usually.”
Sure, it might not be true for some, if they have a really good handle on imagining big things. But who is going to believe them? Not us!
5. Most facts are settled now.
This statement attempts to make a fact about facts. Science has made such progress now it seems that we’re just working out the kinks.
We think this will be found…
Before taking a long hard look at the potential facts above, we might have agreed with this statement. But some of these tricky candidates have shown us there is plenty more work to be done.
If you discover a fact that has yet to be verified, please get in touch through the about page so we can find it a home!